Monday, August 14, 2023

My Malaysian Buddies

     I went to work abroad in 1993 after working for almost three years in the Philippines as paint chemist of Dutch Boy Philippines then. By a twist of luck I managed to find a job in Malaysia which I badly needed because of my poor family otherwise we would have wallowed in poverty. I went to Malaysia without any knowledge about the country at that time. I managed to get a job with a Hong Kong-Swedish joint venture manufacturing wood coatings.

     It was only when I started working I learned about Malaysia, that it is a Muslim country, that there are three main races - Malaysia, Chinese, Indians while the other races are minor. I encountered Muslims at work, and in the community I lived. They are so different than the Muslims in the Philippine south who are known for violence and terrorism, not sure though if my image of Muslims in the Philippines is based on what come out in the media. 
My first colleagues in Malaysia 

     In the first company I worked with, I became very close to two Malaysian Chinese who were my colleagues, they were from the sales department. They were always willing to help me especially during that time, I had no car yet. They were my go-to friends for all the things I needed. I was very lucky to meet such kind-hearted people.

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