Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Merdeka Malaysia

     Happy independence day, Malaysia, my second country. I worked in Malaysia the first time I went  abroad for the proverbial greener pasture. Today is the national day, as they like to call it, not dissimilar to the independence day enjoyed in the Philippines on June 12, something very American, I believe.Happy National Day Malaysia

     Malaysia was colonized by England and became independent in 1957, and they've made progress to development, build a society that is more equitable. The Philippines has been independent since 1898, but look where we are? Because after the Spanish colonization, the Philippines was ceded to the Americans who colonized us briefly, after brainwashing some local elites and made sure their genetic imprint has been planted in the educational system so that Filipinos come out of school with the American psyché in the guise of democracy, declared our fake independence while many think we are truly free. The Americans cooperated with some Filipino leaders who they think would look at the masses, without considering they had the Spanish mentality, keeping the poor poorer because it's easier for them to manipulate in many aspects. That's the root of the disgusting predicament of this country.

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