Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Singapore National Day

     I worked in Singapore until a stroke sent me home and I do regret. I regret for such short stint of work, eight years. Had I known earlier, I would have sought for a job suitable to me there. I have worked, prior to Singapore, in Malaysia for 18 years or so.
Happy National Day Singapore 

     No doubt my stay in Singapore may have been short but it was enough for me to kind of know their society. I am back to my birthplace and I can't help but compare the kind of government. The Philippine government have many things to learn  from such a tiny country yet managed so well since its inception founded by then Lee Kuan Yew, the architect of Singapore's development I know many Filipinos would label him as a dictator, which I believe is due to the American point of view prevalent in the so-called democratic Philippines. What they fail to realize is that the freedom, both political and economic, in the Philippines is only for the rich while the majority poor wallow in immense poverty. The sad thing is that the poor has kind of accepted it, and believes that fate is like that. It's hard to let them realize they are merely pawns of the powerful elite which controls the government.

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