Monday, August 21, 2023

Putrajaya, Malaysia

     Putrajaya is part of the federal territory of Malaysia, which became the seat of all government's national offices in 1995, the development of which I've seen until I left Malaysia for good, while Kuala Lumpur remained as the capital city. Whenever I had visitors then, I would tour them around Putrajaya, proudly showing the efficiency of the government and how it is less corrupt than the government of the Philippines as demonstrated by the development of such government center.
The uniquely designed Finance Ministry office with my last car in Malaysia

     I love this photo of the Ministry of Finance, with my blue car conspicuously parked at the curb, in one of my many trips to the administrative capital of Malaysia showing to my visitors, mostly from the Philippines, how Malaysian government embraced modernity while infusing in their building designs with Islamic touch.

     The idea of concentrating all government offices in one location is admirable, very much possible with government will and the availability of land and funds. If one has things to settle with the government, only one place to go and all the offices are neighbors. 

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