Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Adventure Seeker

     I am an adventure seeker that when I worked in Malaysia, I did activities that would pump up my adrenaline. I climbed mountains, I went spelunking, and I went sky trekking, if that's the appropriate term. My one and only experience with sky trekking was in Malaysia.Sky trekking in Malaysia
     The stroke has rendered me physically unfit thus I can't do this kind of activities now. No doubt I miss them. I got hooked up with such kind of challenges when I worked in Malaysia. I remember growing up I didn't do such things. I was focused on my studies, when there were sports competition in school, I normally would be the organizer of the year-level team. I was a mere spectator. Then in Malaysia, I got introduced to mountain climbing which started my interest in outdoor adventure. I climbed many mountains in Malaysia but I have never ever climbed any Philippine mountain ironically.

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