Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Follow Your Ikigai

     I saw this and made me search what ikigai is. Roughly I have now an idea what it is and it's time for me to make it a part of my life.

     I may be a stroke survivor but looking at the rules of ikigai, it seems I should embrace it then it will give me peace of mind. I maybe a stroke survivor but I am not retiring. I maybe retired from working but I am not retiring from life. It may be hard for me but I take things slow now, I take time to smell the flowers as the proverbial phrase say. I don't eat a lot although the temptation of Filipino overeating is always there. I have limited circle of friends now. There are only two groups of friends who are consistently there for me in good and bad times, my high school close classmates and my colleagues in Jotun Malaysia. I definitely can say I am surrounded by good reliable friends who are always lending me a hand when needed. Although I don't really celebrate my birthday openly, I am keeping fit for the next one every year. 

    I am trying to smile all the time but I have a problem here in my rural birthplace because majority of the people I don't recognize so there are cases I don't simply smile at them. It might be construed for something else. I am back to nature life in the rural community, near a stream of a small river in this place where I grew up. I am always grateful for what I have achieved despite the hardships and obstacles, I have reached great heights despite of my poor beginnings. I definitely am living in the moment communing with nature, distant from any worries that I used to have while working. I must follow my ikigai, the path that will lead me to authentic happiness detaching a bit from the material world.


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